
// Health and Safety

Beef + Lamb New Zealand is proud to support the #PlantASeedForSafety Project in New Zealand.

Targeted at rural women, this project shares positive stories about health, safety and wellbeing in order to influence change in rural industries and communities and boost women’s confidence in their ability to influence change.

The #PlantASeedForSafety Project works by profiling women from all parts of rural communities who are making practical improvements to health, safety and wellbeing – from farm owners, shepherds, workers, wives and partners, to nurses, doctors and teachers, agricultural contractors, shearing contractors and even the local barista – as every person living in a rural community contributes to the health, safety and wellbeing of someone.

Safer Farms has partnered with #PlantASeedForSafety’s Founder, Australia’s Alex Thomas, to bring the project to New Zealand.

Both believe that a bit of paperwork or taking a ‘box ticking’ approach towards improving health and safety isn’t going to change minds – it’s social change that’s needed.  

“Farm safety encompasses more than just the safe handling of chemicals or animals, or safety on quad bikes or tractors – it’s also about having strategies to deal with stress and having the right conversations to ensure the safety of children, or other more vulnerable men and women on the farm and in the community,” says Safer Farms General Manager, Tony Watson.

“If someone has found a better, safer way of doing something on the farm or in their community, that’s the story the project aims to tell.”

With 10 work related deaths in the agriculture sector in the first three months of this year alone, B+LNZ is hopeful that this project will influence change in the sector. 

Mark Harris, B+LNZ’s Lead Extension Manager North Island says, “Women are crucial business partners in today’s agriculture businesses so anything that helps increase their influence in getting better outcomes is worth supporting.”

Everyone wants to see their loved ones walk through the door at the end of the day and we believe that women who #PlantASeedForSafety can save lives.

We encourage you to take note of the ideas being shared, share your own stories and to #SaveALifeListenToYourWife.

Visit the website www.plantaseedforsafety.com to read and take part in the movement. 

*#PlantASeedForSafety is powered in New Zealand by both Safer Farms and Alex Thomas.