Mourning the loss of a respected colleague

// B+LNZ

It is with sadness that we can report the untimely passing of AgResearch Senior Scientist Dr Sheryl-Anne Newman on Monday.

image of Sheryl-Anne Newman

Sheryl-Anne was an integral part of Sheep Improvement Limited (SIL) and a cornerstone of the Science and Technical Teams at AgResearch and Beef + Lamb New Zealand Genetics. She was a highly respected and beloved colleague, friend, and mentor to all those who were lucky enough to know her.

Sheryl-Anne’s working career was dedicated to empowering breeders and the advancement of New Zealand Agriculture. The New Zealand sheep industry has benefited hugely from Sheryl-Anne's dedication in this space which was instrumental in SIL's success.

She was recognised nationally for her work with SIL – receiving the Sir Arthur Ward Award in 2017, presented by the New Zealand Society of Animal Production. She was only the second woman to receive the award, in its 40-year history.

Sheryl-Anne was generous in sharing her knowledge and time to support anyone who needed her help. Well known for her vast knowledge and authenticity, she will be sorely missed by all of us.

Our thoughts are with her family and friends at this difficult time.