Learning lessons from New Zealand’s response to Mycoplasma bovis

// Biosecurity

An independent review of the Mycoplasma bovis Programme is being carried out to identify lessons that can be learned from New Zealand’s largest biosecurity response.

image of Catle

Programme partners Beef + Lamb New Zealand, DairyNZ and the Ministry for Primary Industries have appointed Professor Nicola Shadbolt (Chair), Dr. Roger Paskin, Professor Caroline Saunders and Tony Cleland to carry out the review.

It is best practice to carry out a review of an eradication programme on the scale of New Zealand’s Mycoplasma bovis Programme. 

This review will contribute to strengthening New Zealand’s biosecurity system and improve our preparedness for any future large-scale biosecurity responses. 

“There’s been a lot of good work by farmers and people involved in the Programme and we have worked hard to make improvements,” says Andrew Morrison, chairman of B+LNZ.

“We have a philosophy of continuous improvement and this review is the next step in our journey.”

The review has a different focus from previous reviews, such as analysis by the Technical Advisory Group, which focused on the possibility of eradication.

Farmers will be invited to take part in the review, which is expected to take at least six months and will be shared publicly once completed.