Action Network funding approach change

// B+LNZ

We want to let you know about important changes to the funding approach for Action Groups from 1 April 2021.

Action Network Group

Following the end of the Red Meat Profit Partnership Action Network programme on 31st March 2021, the Action Group model will become a core part of B+LNZ’s extension programme.

As part of our ongoing discussions with Action Groups, farmers have identified key issues that they would like help with:

  • Group establishment.
  • Setting up the group’s annual extension plan.
  • Cementing in place best practice for how groups operate.
  • Transition from a RMPP-funded group to a self-funded group.

As part of our commitment to support Action Groups, ensure their success and for farmers to benefit from the small group learning approach, B+LNZ will make an annual payment of $2,000 per group until 30 September 2022.

The funding will be subject to the completion of a group evaluation survey on the group’s ten-month anniversary and an approved extension plan.

The B+LNZ new funding model will become effective from 1 April 2021.

This support is in addition to the existing ongoing support offered by B+LNZ to the Action Network programme including:


  • Annual regional conference bringing groups together to share ideas and learnings.
  • Access to a directory with group focus and contact details.
  • Quarterly newsletter sharing best practice and farmer case studies.
  • Expert and facilitator directory as a resource for regional groups.
  • An annual outreach programme to the wider farming community to share case studies through various rural media channels.
  • Access to B+LNZ tools and resources including deliver-ready workshops and learning modules.
  • B+LNZ’s 25 staff based in rural communities, and in conjunction with farmers, a nationwide network connecting facilitators, lead farmers and groups.


  • Continuation of action hubs through physical meetings or conference calls to share new B+LNZ initiatives and information, compare notes and address common issues.
  • Independent feedback through intelligence gathering via interaction with lead farmers and other group members.

Lead farmers

  • Formal contact individually to ensure group and facilitator are performing to expectations.
  • Conference call to address common issues across groups identified through regional intelligence.

B+LNZ is a firm believer in this extension and adoption support model and we see this as a key tool for driving farmer productivity, profitability and supporting farmers with change.

Action Groups represent a great way to further enhance our support to farmers, rural professionals and the sector in adapting to challenges such as government regulation (e.g. climate change, water) and the changing views of consumers and the wider public, while remaining farmer-led.

There is significant value for farmers from being involved in an Action Group, not just from a financial perspective, but also the networks, shared learnings and social connections.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John Ladley: