Sheep and beef career pathways on display at Fieldays

// Staff and training

Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) joined forces with the ‘Opportunities Grows Here’ campaign at Mystery Creek Fieldays to showcase career opportunities in the sheep and beef sector.

field days 2023

The highly anticipated Mystery Creek Fieldays took place 14–17 June in Hamilton.

This year, B+LNZ once again joined forces with the Ministry for Primary Industries’ ‘Opportunity Grows Here’ initiative to highlight careers in New Zealand’s red meat industry, while also having a presence to discuss on the ground activity with farmers who passed by. 

B+LNZ hosted a panel discussion, ‘From Flock to Fork: Unveiling Pathways to Success in the Sheep and Beef Sector’, that featured representatives from Growing Future Farmers, Agribusiness in schools and Primary ITO (Te Pukenga) which are all strongly supported by the industry. 

Olivia Weatherburn, B+LNZ’s National Extension Programme Manager who facilitated the panel says each panellist took a different route to get to where they are highlighting the many entry points into our sector. 

“It was fantastic to share experiences around the students that have come through the school system into the sector, why work-based learning is a great option for some learners and upskilling while learning on the job is now an option for those with no rural background.

“One of the questions asked to all panellists was what their advice is for someone considering a role in the sector. A former barber, now current work-based learner told the audience ‘give up the urban dream as the rural one is better’.

B+LNZ’s vibrant booth featured a Virtual Reality (VR) activity where visitors could virtually scribe beef as it is done in processing plant. Making 4 cuts to divide the carcass.  “The room was buzzing with excitement to try out the VR sets,” says Weatherburn.

“We also had an engaging farming calendar task that allowed demonstration of a breadth of jobs from paddock to consumer and allowed for conversations around on farm jobs to be discussed before they gave the VR a go.”

2023 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards on display 

In working with the Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards Partner Farmlands, Fieldays attendees were encouraged to enter or nominate someone for the 2023 Beef + Lamb New Zealand Awards at the Farmlands stand. 

Learn more about the B+LNZ Awards and enter here.

image of student trying virtual reality game