Lucy Brown

Catchment Community Group Facilitator


 I am passionate about working with farmers to understand and navigate change, as well as empower them to tackle these challenges head on. Growing up on a 450ha sheep and dairy grazing farm in Albury, South Canterbury, I developed a love for landscapes and their associated systems. I have a particular interest in freshwater systems and management, as well as developing robust plans and systems to record, measure and monitor all the great things being done on farm. My study allowed for a diverse skill set to be created that looked at soil, freshwater, planning, land tenure, environmental management, environmental politics, and more. 

My Master's study explored the hydroclimatology of fog deposition to tussock grasslands at Swampy Summit, Dunedin, establishing an understanding fog versus rain inputs to tussock grassland systems and the local- and synoptic-scale drivers of these events. This has led to a love of tussock grasslands and their associated systems. 

I currently work for The Whole Story, a social enterprise that seeks to inspire sustainability and empower farmers in their sustainability journeys. My role is as an Agricultural Sustainability Coach and it covers a wide range of skills such as adoption support, facilitation, research and planning. 



Massey University: 

  • Intermediate Sustainable Nutrient Management (currently undertaking Advanced)
  • Intermediate Freshwater Farm Planning
  • Introduction to New Zealand's Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Management

University of Otago 

  • Master of Science in Physical Geography (Distinction)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography 

Have undertaken NZIPIM Facilitating Learning and Change course



I have extensive facilitation experience from working in the tertiary education sector, and am now able to bring these skills to the food and fibre sector. My skill set is largely in the environment and farm planning space - working with people to navigate their requirements, aspirations and visions to ensure that plans are developed in a way that highlights and celebrates the great work that is already being done on farm and helping step into the next phase of their farm planning journey. 

Through The Whole Story, I am currently working with designing and facilitating extension projects for two catchment groups through an MPI Integrated Farm Planning programme. Of these, one is an extension series based off meeting FAP+ requirements, whereas the other is designed directly in relation to particular sessions that the group wants. 

Regions: Otago, Central Otago

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To: Lucy Brown