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    … This page contains the latest information about Cyclone Gabrielle including ways to help other farmers and B+LNZ’s work in the space. … Resources to help Adverse event management  (PDF, 44.2 KB) Recovering from a flood  (PDF, … Cyclone Gabrielle recovery (PDF, 1MB) B+LNZ’s work to help impacted farmers B+LNZ knows this is a really tough time and want to assure farmers we’re here for you. Currently, this is a Civil Defence-led process and B+LNZ’s job is to support that however we can. B+LNZ’s team is working across regional North Island, feeding into the …
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    … – getting the most from your staff DairyNZ useful resources on continuous improvement: Team meeting Employee catchups and reviews Managing conflict Performance and discipline Holidays, leave and breaks Managing payroll Kanban boards   … Continuous improvement …
  • … about other issues B+LNZ advocates on, on behalf of our farmers, to ensure our sector can remain productive, innovative and sustainable in every sense.  … Other focuses …
  • … We provided financial support for farmer focus groups where the outcomes and solutions developed can provide new information and ‘know how’ for other sheep and beef farmers. … This may include discussion groups, local trial groups or subject-specific activities. Find out more …
  • … New Zealand's biosecurity is vital for protecting our environment, economy and human and animal health. … Biosecurity resources …
  • … the chemicals that once killed them – this is known as drench resistance. Find out about testing for resistance, and drench use strategies that slow down the development of resistance, including refugia and quarantine drenching. … Drenching …
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    … ability. What equipment do you need? Riding helmet (AS/NZS 3838 minimum). General Procedure Approach the horse calmly and from a direction where they can see you. Do not wrap equipment attached to your horse around your body. Check … saddling up. Check girth strap before mounting. Use a mounting block or raised ground to mount if necessary. Get off and walk the horse if terrain becomes difficult or steep. One person per horse. Do not jump a horse if in doubt of ability …
  • … known as the Zero Carbon Bill – has closed. There will be a transitional period to 2021 to get the new provisions up and running. … Key information Submissions on the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill closed 16 July … Government’s proposals.  Beef + Lamb New Zealand have put together advice on the Zero Carbon Bill on what the bill is and issues for the sector from what is proposed in it to assist farmers in making their submissions  on the Zero Carbon …
  • … B+LNZ supports farmers throughout New Zealand on plan changes and other relevant consultations.  … Regional policy work …
  • … contains information on programmes that are no longer active. If there's a programme you want to know more about and it's not included, email us . … Past programmes …