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    … Consider using a covenant – To ensure protection of your investment in land stewardship and to leave a legacy for the next generation. Further reading Download our factsheet: Trees within farms: opportunities with carbon, Enhance your farm’s …
  • Taste Pure Nature boosts aspiration to buy New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb …
    Taste Pure Nature banner
  • … farm. In this study, the group of farmers shared their recent FECRT results and explored how their results impacted the next farm their stock traveled to. The project enabled them to reduce cost and gain efficiencies by cutting out … was shown on the farm by both refugia and quarantine drench procedures. Testing will continue on this farm over the next 2 years to compare refugia and quarantine drench to determine if one or the other is better to reverse the effects of … drench resistance. However, due to the short period of this project (6 months) testing will need to continue over the next 2 years to reliably confirm these results. Benefit for farmers This study demonstrated that by knowing the status of …
  • Informing New Zealand Beef team pick up key insights from North American study tour …
    image of North American study tour
  • … We worked with Federated Farmers and Deer Industry New Zealand on this. Find the joint submission here (PDF, 511 KB). Next steps MfE will report back on the feedback it received and the Government will make its final decisions (timing tbc). …
  • … and beef (including dairy-beef). … Referendums are held as required under the Commodity Levies Act 1990.   The next referendum must be held no later than the 2027 year with the current Commodities Levies Meat Order 2021 expiring in … with information:  outlining the constitutional information, and   how farmers' levies will be invested over the next six-year period,   and asked to vote 'yes' or 'no' to the continuation of B+LNZ.   In the past, farmers have also …
  • Partnerships proving successful for Taste Pure Nature in the US …
    Image of Billboard
  • Looking out for Facial Eczema …
    Healthy sheep
  • … to protect our nature until the end of 2019. The new strategy will set a vision and guide our biodiversity work for the next 50 years. DOC held a public consultation on Te Koiroa o te Koiora from 5 August until 22 September 2019. Beef + Lamb …
  • … waterways and highly erodible land.  If you would like to read our feedback, download our submission (PDF, 746 KB).  Next steps The coalition Government has announced it will be replacing the NPS-FM 2020 and in the meantime has granted an …