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Displaying 651 - 660 results of 749
  • Late spring management to increase sub clover content …
    image of sub clover in hand
  • Page
    Follow this Safe Work Procedure when working at heights. “Working at heights” is defined as any height from which a fall could occur. … What are the minimum operator requirements? Worker must be under direct supervision until assessed as competent by person in charge of the workplace. What equipment do you need? Boots (or other slip resistant footwear if more appropriate) Equipment selected must be fit for purpose and in good working condition. Equipment that may be used to work at heights …
  • Last chance to have your say on emissions pricing …
    couple on-farm
  • … four elements of the essential freshwater work programme – changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion, freshwater farm plans, changes to the intensive winter grazing rules and wetlands.  See here for more information including our … We prepared factsheets and template submissions, including the following WORD templates: Essential Freshwater Farm Submission template (WORD, 181KB) Blank Essential Freshwater Farm Submission template (WORD, 168KB) … Essential Freshwater consultation …
  • Red Meat Sector Conference 2023: driving sustainability and growth …
    image of red meat sector conference speaker
  • Q&A with Hamish Best: 2024 Next Gen Sheep Producers farmer …
    image of Hamish Best
  • Resilience, progress and collaboration key themes at B+LNZ 2022 Annual Meeting …
    image of Mount Taranaki
  • … All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the … positive impact on the sector and/or their local community. This may be through involvement in the community and/or on-farm with new ideas and initiatives. Individual entries or nominations are welcome. The recipient of this award will be … already demonstrating future leadership potential. Already impacting through new ideas, influencing others, improving farm productivity, profitability or business diversity, the individual will show the potential to continue to impact in …
  • 50 GHG workshops in 30 days …
    image of farmer workshop
  • More work needed on Government’s National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity …
    Image of river through Waikato farm.