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Displaying 381 - 390 results of 536
  • Informing New Zealand Beef’s Progeny Test enters its third year …
    image of cow herd
  • Resource book
    400 Plus Guide …
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    Grazing vineyards with sheep … MPI advises graziers, farmers and vineyard owners and operators to withhold sheep intended for market for six months. Find out more Click through to the MPI website to read their recommendations regarding the use of sheep for leaf-plucking in vineyards . … Grazing vineyards with …
  • Southern South Island director election result …
    image of cow and lamb
  • … at St Paul’s exposes students to the wide range of skills required and the opportunities available in the primary sector up to and beyond the farm gate. It is offered at NCEA Levels 2 and 3 and has been designed for students who excel …
  • Does rotational grazing help reduce the number of worms on pasture? Does grazing sheep and cattle together help manage worms? How long do I need to wait for worm larvae numbers to drop before grazing a paddock again? You’ll find the answers in this section! Techniques that can be used to reduce worm challenge to susceptible stock include: Grazing only the top 1/3 of the pasture with your vulnerable young stock. Using adult stock and other species of stock to clean up behind youngsters and …
  • AgriKidsNZ competition kicks off …
    image of children and B+LNZ staff member
  • B+LNZ underlines need for flexible regulations at APEC …
    image of panel speakers at apec conference
  • High number of bulls nominated for across-breed Beef Progeny Test …
    image of Jason Archer and bulls
  • … pasture species grown in pasture-tagasaste systems. Background There is huge potential growth for the sheep and beef sector on hill country in New Zealand. Around 6 million ha of hill country is too steep to cultivate but represents 54% of …