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Displaying 241 - 250 results of 275
- … Industries. … About the programme The programme was born out of a seven-year economic development pilot carried out on the East Coast by the Tairawhiti Land Development Trust. Participating farms saw an average lift in productivity of … all the various elements together. A key component of the programme is developing skills and knowledge in both the farm and governance teams that oversee these farms. The system is based on farm management teams receiving information and skills to help them identify the animals that are going to be more …
- Page… 2018 Presentation: How do we keep attracting the best people? Stuart Taylor DairyNZ provides more information on the Interview process . … Recruitment and selection …
- … kaitiaki or guardians of the land, and B+LNZ's advocates for policies that enable farmers to protect and restore on-farm biodiversity within their farming systems. … Biodiversity …
- … This project investigated the potential effect of long-acting drench products on the rumen microbiome, the effect of parasites on ewe growth, Body Condition Score and fecundity over the summer-autumn period. … This project investigated the … Farmers may not be making money from pre-lamb drenching every year. If resistant parasites are already on your farm, then using long acting anthelmintics will make the issue worse. To improve profitability, considering ways of …
- … and has already made significant progress. Climate change is a particular focus for B+LNZ – we support our farmers on-farm, we work with leading climate scientists and we advocate for emissions reduction targets that are science-based and …
- Detailed analysis of Government’s agricultural emissions pricing proposal reveals significant flaws and impacts as sheep and beef farmers are urged to have their say …
- Page… habitat. As a general rule - the more diversity, the healthier that environment. … Why is biodiversity important on farm? Biodiversity is a win-win – for you as a farmer and for your property’s ecosystem. Your production platform will … important to our international customers – contributing to our positive environmental image. Increasing biodiversity on your property The New Zealand Landcare Trust is an independent charitable organisation that works with land user …
- … A research model is evaluating the cumulative impact of farm system changes on greenhouse gas emissions and financial performance. … Background Beef + Lamb New Zealand is … data from several sheep and beef farms, including one that also integrates dairy production. The focus will be on seeing if the model can help find practical ways to reduce methane emissions and improve financial performance on …
- … judging All judging is carried out by assessment of the information provided in the entry/nomination form. There is no on-farm or in-person judging, so it important to write to the award criteria and include as much detail as possible in the … sheep and beef sector. They demonstrate future leadership/development potential and have already had a positive impact on the sector and/or their local community. This may be through involvement in the community and/or on-farm with new ideas …
- Page… Trees are an important part of pastoral-based farming systems. … Benefits of plantings trees on farms: Help diversify your income by providing timber, carbon, and honey. Provide windbreaks and shade for livestock help them grow faster. Stock feed during droughts or shortages of feed. Help soil retention on steep slopes, stop erosion. Improve the productivity of your land, especially areas that do not grow good pasture. … them to market their meat products. However, carbon removals are only one of the benefits that these areas provide on farm. Please contact B+LNZ's resources team at to request printed copies of resources. …