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    … typically much higher stocking rates in dairy farms. This is because sheep and beef farming is generally carried out on steeper country and run-off from hill country is greater – as a proportion of a catchment – than from flat land. … the grazing duration of pasture and fodder crops Winter stock off paddocks Keep stock out of waterways by improving on-farm infrastructure, such as reticulating stock water, improving stock crossings, planting shade trees away from water, …
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    … For on-farm biosecurity to be effective, everyone involved in your farming business must be aware of your requirements and why … procedures done under sufferance. Ensure all staff understand their role in the implementation of biosecurity practices on your farm. Ensure staff responsible for livestock husbandry know how to identify sick and injured livestock. Ensure all staff …
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    … habitat. As a general rule - the more diversity, the healthier that environment. … Why is biodiversity important on farm? Biodiversity is a win-win – for you as a farmer and for your property’s ecosystem. Your production platform will … important to our international customers – contributing to our positive environmental image. Increasing biodiversity on your property The New Zealand Landcare Trust is an independent charitable organisation that works with land user …
  • … mahi in the Māori agribusiness sector covers a range of areas including:  providing information and support – we work on the ground where needed, run wānanga and hui, and collaborate across the sector, with a strong focus on farm system outcomes that look at all aspects of the whenua.  building understanding of B+LNZ's Māori levypayers – to …
  • … project is to inform what influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management, and how a farm system operates with reduced drench. … The aim of this project is to assess different methods of parasite management … project is to inform:   What influences farmers habits and decision making associated with parasite management. How a farm system operates with reduced drench. Background Internal parasites are one of the most important animal health … administration.  The stories of how these farmers have reduced drench will be shared to provide other farmers with more on-farm information.  Timeline and investment  This is a 9-month project due for completion in December 2022.  B+LNZ …
  • … Hill Country Futures is a long-term $8.1m programme focused on future proofing the profitability, sustainability and wellbeing of New Zealand’s hill country farmers, their farm systems, the environment and rural communities. … Visit the Hill Country Futures website here This multi-year … incorporates traditional science research, farmer knowledge, social research and citizen science. At an on-farm level, the programme focuses on practical options for future proofing hill country farming and includes a strong …
  • … Intensive finishing and hogget grazing systems are at high risk of developing triple drench resistance, as are areas on farm predominately utilised for grazing young stock. There is an opportunity to better understand drench resistance on farm. This project harnessed the power of relationships between a group of Wairarapa breeding and finishing properties, …
  • … Beef + Lamb New Zealand is focused on providing significant return on investment for dairy farmers’ beef levies.   … The dairy, sheep and beef industries are closely linked, through … the 22/23 financial year.  How are dairy farmers’ beef levies invested?  B+LNZ invests levies in two main areas:  post-farm-gate investment that seeks to maximise the value of animals sent for slaughter  on-farm research and extension …
  • … intestine) and the target parasites ( Ostertagia  and  Cooperia ) when given to cattle orally, by injection or pour-on.  … Background While it is known that different routes of drench administration can result in variable efficacy against … is not understood why this occurs or why different organs appear different. Despite evidence that pour-on administration is the least effective and most likely to select for resistant parasites, these products are the most … explaining why one route of administration is better or worse than others is required to understand if a change on-farm is required.  Current data indicates that in cattle, oral drenches are more effective than injections or pour-ons and …
  • This is an interactive tool that lets you analyse New Zealand’s meat exports: by meat type by destination (region or country) by season by volume, value, or average price … Find out the latest values and volumes of lamb exported globally year by region. … Average value of New Zealand lamb exports to particular countries for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Volumes of New Zealand lamb exported to particular countries for the year to date, compared to the previous year. Volumes of …