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Displaying 211 - 220 results of 335
  • … and manaakitanga, so partnerships are critical.    We use our networks and expertise to work with key Māori farming groups across Aotearoa.    … Māori partnerships …
  • B+LNZ to exit Future Farm …
  • … to farmers, their businesses and farming communities. Developed after extensive consultation with farmers and farming groups including Farmer Councils, the Strategy puts structure and discipline within B+LNZ to determine the information and …
  • A new blueprint to lift the environmental performance of New Zealand’s sheep and beef sector has been unveiled by Beef + Lamb New Zealand. … The Environment Strategy lays out a progressive long-term vision for the sector based around four priority areas – healthy productive soils, thriving biodiversity, reducing carbon emissions and cleaner water. As part of the plan, B+LNZ has identified two key goals – every sheep and beef farm having a tailored and active environment plan by the end of 2021, …
  • Page
    … from: Brambell (1963) J. Helminthol. 37. 1–10. … Individual sheep FECs – interpretation  FEC range Interpretation  Action 0–300  Low  Don't treat, continue to monitor  300–800  Moderate  May or may not treat depending on other factors*  … of Sheep & Beef Cattle Veterinarians NZVA, 1981 . … Composite sheep FECs – interpretation  … FEC range Interpretation  Action 0-200  Low  Don't treat, continue to monitor.  200-500  Moderate  May or may not treat depending on other … production issues in the face of a low egg count.  … Individual calf FECs: interpretation FEC range   Interpretation   Action   0–100  Low  Don't treat, continue to monitor  100–300  Moderate May or may not treat immediately depending on …
  • NZ an international outlier by allowing 100 percent of emissions offsetting through forestry …
  • … Mystery Creek Field days in Hamilton as well as providing feedback and input into the resources they develop. Regional groups: t he following list is some of but not limited to, the other regional groups and organisations we work with: Telford (Southern Institute of Technology) Taratahi (Eastern Institute of …
  • Podcast
    BreakFeed: Talking Bull 1 – Why you should (or shouldn’t) farm bulls …
  • Podcast
    Pass It On: Families, Farms and Succession. Part 2: Engage the Family, and Consider Options …
  • External resource
    Industry-agreed Good Management Practices relating to water quality …