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Displaying 191 - 200 results of 266
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    … This Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be used when handling hazardous substances on the farm. Examples of these include fuels, pesticides, herbicides, gases … Competency Workers will not handle hazardous … are competent to do so. All workers who handle chemicals must be trained with competency requirements varying depending on the classification and quantity of the product being used. These may include: - Qualified Person (EPA/Growsafe) - …
  • … B+LNZ is funded by farmers through commodity levies paid on all sheep, beef and dairy cattle processed in New Zealand. Find out more about the strategies that guide our levy investment, what the current levies are and how farmers can have a say on the continuation of levies. This section also contains the Red Meat Report from B+LNZ and the Meat Industry Association. … Your levy organisation …
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    … KB) Safe Work Procedures FarmSmart 2017: Melonie Sheppard – getting the most from your staff DairyNZ useful resources on continuous improvement: Team meeting Employee catchups and reviews Managing conflict Performance and discipline …
  • … Information on the consultation This story sets out what was proposed, how we informed farmers and helped them have their say through a joint B+LNZ/Federated Farmers/Deer Industry New Zealand survey, and our advice to famers on making their own consultation submissions. Farmers encouraged to make submissions on the low slope map for stock … Farmers and Deer Industry New Zealand on this. Find the joint submission here (PDF, 511 KB). Next steps MfE will report back on the feedback it received and the Government will make its final decisions (timing tbc). B+LNZ will keep … channels such as e-diaries. … Consultation on proposed changes to the low-slope map for stock exclusion (June–July 2023) …
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    … bovis from New Zealand. The outbreak of M. bovis and the phased eradication programme underscores the importance of on-farm biosecurity. This information resource aims to help you understand what the phased eradication programme means for … This new website contains the latest updates and M. bovis situation reports, information on the eradication process, compensation, public meetings and community events, resources, and support for farmers. This …
  • COVID-19 and the supply chain – further update …
    image of sheep in yards
  • … This project aimed to understand how to better manage tagasaste (commonly known as tree lucerne) on-farm in the Hawkes’ Bay region and Taupō. … Field trials were carried out at three sites to assess the following: Seed … species grown in pasture-tagasaste systems. Background There is huge potential growth for the sheep and beef sector on hill country in New Zealand. Around 6 million ha of hill country is too steep to cultivate but represents 54% of the …
  • Muka Tangata developing plans to meet the needs of our workforce …
    Muka Tangata logo
  • … have actively advocated for the Government to review the methane targets using the GWP* metric and to start reporting on the warming impact of various gases. … This page is a snapshot of the work we’ve been doing – in the background we’ve … going meat-free really save the planet? (July 2021) GWP* a key focus of climate change submission (October 2021)  IPCC report: Important science on methane and GWP* (August 2021) Factsheet: Biogenic methane from ruminant animals and nitrous … 2022)  Kiwi farmers need science-led methane review – Myles Allen et al Oxford University warming report (September 2023) … Advocacy on biogenic methane emissions reductions …
  • Kiwis Backing Farmers campaign sending a message …
    Kiwis Backing Farmers banner