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Displaying 11 - 20 results of 333
  • … Takeaways from the Hogget 150 Action Group …
    image of Hogget Group action group on farm
  • … Taihape RMPP Action Group setting goals and seeing results …
  • … National Action Group sharing learnings to help move farming forward …
  • … B+LNZ Action Group evaluation to shape new Extension Strategy …
    action group
  • … understand and achieve positive environmental actions and outcomes. … Workshops we currently offer … GHG Calculator and action plan workshop Farmers leave this three hour workshop with an understanding of where domestic climate policy is landing, their own properties’ greenhouse gas emissions numbers, and a GHG Action Plan – i.e. having contributed to the sector meeting the He Waka Eke Noa 2021 and 2022 requirements. Trees within … in doing a farm planning workshop, head over to Catchment Community Groups This Catchment Community Group Workshop will help your group identify your vision and start forming a plan to …
  • Learning module
    Catchment Community Group success …
  • … Profound results for Action Group focused on benchmarking and lifting performance …
    Action Network Group
  • … or register as a facilitator please ensure you are logged in to the website, you will then be able to see the Catchment Groups Dashboard.   … Catchment Groups Directory …
  • … or register as a facilitator please ensure you are logged in to the website, you will then be able to see the Catchment Groups Dashboard.    … Catchment Groups Map …
  • … We provided financial support for farmer focus groups where the outcomes and solutions developed can provide new information and ‘know how’ for other sheep and beef farmers. … This may include discussion groups, local trial groups or subject-specific activities. Find out more Contact your local extension manager or see our events calendar for …