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Displaying 1 - 10 results of 917
  • … B+LNZ has developed a range of handy tools to help farmers, meat processors, consultants and others with planning and business decisions.  … Lambing calculator  Compare your lambing percentage with other farms … your understanding of the markets for, and trends in, NZ’s meat exports.   … Meat and wool calculator  Use your farm’s data to calculate your meat and wool production – using information sourced from B+LNZ’s Sheep & Beef Farm Survey.  … …
  • … B+LNZ also provides a range of interactive tools to help with planning and business decisions. Access our Lambing Calculator, Sheep Calendar, Benchmarking Tool, Meat Export Tool, Meat and Wool Calculator, Profitability Calculator and Bizplan.  … Industry Data
  • … Keep up-to-date with industry inputs and trends to build a complete picture of your farm and our sector. … Farm data and industry production …
  • … The Wormwise Handbook and other B+LNZ parasite management tools, and a list of scientific literature for those who really like to delve into the detail.  Resources for farmers Wormwise … Dairy (PDF, 1.4MB) Research papers Please bear with us while we build this section. … Research papers and additional tools
  • … Find out what the key performance indicators are for farm classes in your region and see how you compare. … These regional reports use quintile analysis to summarise and group key farm performance benchmarks. Performance is ranked in five 20-percentile bands determined by EBITRm (earnings before interest, tax, rent and manager’s wage). All data is sourced from the Beef + Lamb New Zealand sheep and beef farm survey, and forecasts. The reports are based on the …
  • Keeping the weaning date flexible …
    sheep grazing
  • Interactive tool
    … Meat and Wool Calculator …
  • Online tool nProve simplifies ram selection …
    image of sheep flock
  • Video
    … Feedsmart app: feed allocation tools
  • … The aim of this project was to evaluate different ways of communication for their reach, impact and associated behaviour change. Parasite management is important for every livestock farmer and this topic was used to help evaluate five different communication methods.  … The project used: analytics to assess … drench is to kill parasites that have survived a long-acting drench or capsule treatment. … Assessing communication tools to support parasite management …