The Government has provided more information on how it will reform the Resource Management Act (RMA).

Last week, the Government announced the appointment of an Expert Advisory Group (EAG) to report back before Christmas on details of a system that will underpin two new laws replacing the RMA legislation.
B+LNZ is pleased to see the agriculture sector’s interests will be represented on the EAG, through Federated Farmers.
The Government has provided the EAG with ten core design features for the new resource management system, and as always with these processes, the devil will be in the detail.
This process is clearly moving at pace and B+LNZ will be seeking to have input. We will be working hard to ensure that sheep and beef farmers’ unique issues with the RMA are taken into account and addressed in the EAG’s recommendations.
We are currently in the process of shaping up our advocacy approach and we’ll provide farmers with more information on our ‘asks’ soon.
Farmer input into the RMA reform
We’ll continue to keep farmers updated throughout this process and there will be opportunities for you to provide input into our advocacy – keep an eye on e-diaries for updates and information.
Our bottom lines on resource management
Our main priority is that we end up with considered and enduring outcomes. The RMA does need to be reformed but we need to ensure this is done right.
The RMA has impacted more and more day-to-day operations on a farm as time has gone on, so it’s vital that sheep and beef farmers’ interests are considered throughout this process.
More information
Read the Government’s media release about the EAG, which sets out the ten core design features.