Survey to understand the real cost of FE

// Facial Eczema // Pests and diseases

B+LNZ is calling on farmers to complete a survey that will shed light on the financial toll of facial eczema (FE) at the farm level. This critical research will inform solutions as part of the multi-sector “Eliminating Facial Eczema Impacts” (EFEI) programme.

banner for Eliminating Facial Eczema programme

FE costs the New Zealand livestock industry an estimated $332 million annually, but the true impact on individual farms - the decisions, sacrifices, and challenges - remains unclear. Whether you’ve experienced FE firsthand or not, your input is vital to help researchers understand the broader economic and operational effects. 

By completing the survey, you will: 

  • Help researchers quantify the financial impacts of FE across different farming systems and regions 
  • Contribute to the development of support strategies and tools to reduce the financial challenges caused by FE. 

“We understand farmers are incredibly busy and already have a lot on their plates,” says Becky Dymond, Senior Advisor Farmer Engagement at B+LNZ. “But this survey is a crucial opportunity to make your voice heard and help us design solutions that genuinely make a difference for you and your business.” 

Taking just 15-20 minutes to complete, the survey requires financial and management data, such as approximate revenue, animal health expenses and stock class numbers. Your privacy is our top priority - data will remain completely anonymous and will only be used for EFEI research, presented in summary form to ensure individual confidentiality. 

To show appreciation for your time, participants who complete the survey by 28 February 2025 will go into the draw to win one of two $250 Greenlea Meats vouchers. 

“This is your chance to make a difference,” Becky adds. “By sharing your experience, you’re contributing to tools and strategies that will help strengthen the resilience of our farming communities and businesses for years to come.” 

Take the survey today and play your part in tackling this significant challenge. 

The EFEI programme is jointly funded by B+LNZ, the Government through the Ministry for Primary Industries Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund and other primary sector companies and levy bodies.  

For more information or assistance, contact