Strong turnout for B+LNZ’s ENI Farmer Council Annual Meeting

// B+LNZ

The recent B+LNZ Eastern North Island (ENI) Farmer Council Annual Meeting, held in Masterton, had an outstanding turnout of 65 farmers reflecting the growing interest from local farmers to engage with, and be a part of, B+LNZ’s Farmer Council.

image of Sandra Matthews presenting at annual meeting

B+LNZ’s ENI Farmer Council covers a large geographical area, so the council has been divided into four sections for more effective representation. They are: Tairāwhiti, Hawke’s Bay, Tararua and Wairarapa. Each area is covered by four local Farmer Councillors and two co-opted members bringing a total of 18 representative farmers along the ENI. 

The Annual Meeting included updates on the B+LNZ’s activities and refreshed strategy by B+LNZ’s ENI Extension Manager Angus Irvine, B+LNZ ENI Farmer Council Chair Sandra Matthews, and B+LNZ North Island Lead Jason Griffin. 

Following a lively dinner, attendees were treated to an insightful presentation from farming systems scientist Dr Robyn Dynes, who reflected on her time as a young scientist fronting the challenges in Western Australia through to the impacts of climate change on New Zealand's regional food production. Robyn summarised her presentation nicely by stating farmers have the ability to choose how to respond to different obstacles and opportunities and to face them front on. 

A highlight of the evening was the record number of nominees for B+LNZ Farmer Council positions – nine in total – with a closely contested vote across all regions.  

The B+LNZ ENI Farmer Council welcomed several new faces, including Corey McFadzean and Simon Falloon (Wairarapa), John Beech and Andrew Gardiner (Tararua), and Grace Pettit as a co-opted member. Re-elected members Richard Scholefield (Gisborne) and Samuel O'Fee (Wairarapa) will continue their leadership for another term. 

Angus thanked all nominees for putting themselves forward for election and encouraged them to continue to be engaged with the Farmer Council as the B+LNZ refreshed delivery strategy is implemented into the new year.  

Outgoing Chair, Sandra Matthews, and former council members Simon Hales, Grant Bennett, and Shanna Cairns were warmly thanked for their dedication and contributions. The ENI council welcomed a new Chair, Dan Billing, with Richard Scholefield taking on the role of Deputy Chair. 

“Looking ahead, the new council will focus on delivering valuable extension support, events, and activities for the region,” says Angus. 

This year, B+LNZ’s Farmer Councillors and extension team have used new methods, including diving into regional insights and data, to develop annual Regional Delivery Plans (RDPs). These RDPs, set to be completed and shared with farmers in late September, will guide B+LNZ’s extension programme for 2024/25 and beyond, prioritising B+LNZ’s investments of both time and levy to meet regional farmer priorities and needs. Learn more about the RDP process here

Join B+LNZ’s Farmer Council   

The B+LNZ Farmer Council was established to provide a pathway for farmers to lead, support and engage with B+LNZ’s regional extension by setting regional priorities, helping with identifying critical topics and supporting the extension team to deliver events and activities that farmers want and that will make a difference to them and their farm business.   

B+LNZ regions currently recruiting: 

  • B+LNZ Central South Island Farmer Council: Applications are open for B+LNZ’s Central South Island region, calling nominations in the Timaru and Queenstown Lakes district areas. Nominations close 5pm, 18 October. For more information, please contact Dean (0274339336) or Minna (0275531226). 
  • B+LNZ Southern South Island Farmer Council: Applications are open for B+LNZ’s Southern South Island region, calling nominations in Clinton/Clydevale, Milton/Owaka and Gore. Nominations close 5pm, 25 October. For more information, please contact Claire (027 350 5997). 

Read more about B+LNZ's Farmer Council. You can contact B+LNZ’s Farmer Councillors through your local B+LNZ Extension Manager.  

Farmer council