Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) recently launched a comprehensive Taste Pure Nature brand marketing campaign in China - From New Zealand, Naturally Good - reaching more than 12.5 million consumers within the span of three months.

The digital campaign targeted Chinese Conscious Foodie consumers across popular Chinese social media platforms to build awareness and aspiration to buy New Zealand grass-fed beef and lamb, and reinforce an ownable point of difference for the country-of-origin brand. As a result, the campaign generated more than 855 thousand interactions.
Throughout October to December last year, digital advertisements and content by ‘Key Opinion Leaders’ or influencers appeared across popular Chinese social media channels, including WeChat and Little Red Book.
B+LNZ partnered with Silver Fern Farms and Alliance on the campaign linking interested consumers to retail product in-store and online. Both companies’ had a combined 3.73 million people see their brand through this campaign.
Shortly after this activity, B+LNZ launched a seasonal digital marketing campaign for Chinese New Year in partnership with popular Chinese recipe app, Go Kitchen. This campaign reached more than 22.4 million people in two weeks and saw three branded recipe posts make the Top 6 Trending Recipes List on Go Kitchen.
B+LNZ’s Global Manager – NZ Red Meat Story Michael Wan says the campaigns have performed extremely well and exceeded their targets.
“It is clear there is a desire for naturally raised and tasty grass-fed beef and lamb in China. New Zealand is perfectly placed to take advantage of this opportunity by promoting what makes our beef and lamb so unique and special, in partnership with our exporter brands.”
B+LNZ is currently planning another campaign for the Spring season to leverage consumer interest in nutrition and eating healthy at that time.
For more information, please contact or Abigail Delaney on 027 209 9891.