New Zealand Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (NZRSB) 2023 Annual Conference

// Industry

The NZRSB recently held its annual conference. B+LNZ is a founding member and sits on the board with other NZ beef supply chain stakeholders including farmers, processors, NGOs and retailers. Learn about the NZRSB and its next steps.

New Zealand Roundtable for Sustainable Beef

The NZRSB Annual Conference was recently held in Hamilton to recognise the significant proportion of New Zealand beef that orientates from the dairy herd, whether it be cull cows or bull beef. There was a wide range of attendees from throughout the beef value chain, including a significant purchaser of New Zealand beef from Japan who was wanting to better understand how New Zealand beef is produced sustainably. In addition to current members, organisations that attended the conference included government, banks, agri-tech companies, researchers, and farmers. 

The day was packed with a series of guest speakers focused on sustainable beef projects starting with Sector Manager – Meat and Fibre Megan Skiffington from AgResearch talking about their beef research programmes. This was followed by Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s (B+LNZ) General Manager for Farming Excellence Dan Brier who spoke about the Informing NZ Beef Programme. 

The speaker series was followed by a trip to Silver Fern Farms’ Te Aroha plant where their Strategic Sales Manager, Matt Luxton, discussed Silver Fern Farm’s sustainability programmes and Market2X spoke about their transport optimisation software. Attendees also had a tour of the processing plant. 

Attendees then heard from QCONZ on their approach to auditing farmers for sustainability programmes, Fonterra staff spoke about animal welfare, and a local dairy farmer provided an overview of his operation before the group visited his farm.  Attendees then discussed the day’s presentations over dinner. 

B+LNZ is a founding member of the NZRSB and currently sits on the board along with other members of the NZ beef supply chain such as farmers, processors, NGOs and retailers.

B+LNZ representative Nicholas Jolly says, “Feedback about the conference has been really positive. It was fantastic to bring together a wide range of industry professionals, farmers and organisations who are passionate about sustainability and beef production.

“There is already a lot of collaboration happening across the beef industry and we are keen for the NZRSB to become a hub for more of this activity.”

For its next steps, NZRSB is keen to capitalise on this renewed interest and expand its membership. They are in the process of finalising their goals and will begin implementing them this year. 

Become a member

If you are passionate about sustainable and ethical beef production in New Zealand, you can follow find out more about membership options on NZRSB’s website.

They are offering a free year’s Associate Membership for farmers who are registered with NZFAP+. Please get in contact with your local meat processor livestock rep to find out more about this offer or email ANZCO or Silver Fern Farms representatives on the NZRSB directly at:

Read NZRSB’s 2023 annual report(PDF, 2.2MB)

B+LNZ’s General Manager for Farming Excellence Dan Brier speaking on the Informing NZ Beef Programme.