Mycoplasma bovis, TB and NAIT programmes during the COVID-19 lock-down

// Industry

Given the critical importance of the country’s primary sector, the Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) eradication programme and OSPRI’s TB control and NAIT programmes will continue during the Covid-19 lock-down.


All three programmes are considered essential services as part of the all-of-government response to COVID-19.

OSPRI is working with AsureQuality to manage TB testing procedures nationally, with ongoing response work in the Hawke’s Bay a priority.

Dedicated case management of infected and under investigation herds in the Hawke’s Bay is continuing via phone and email, with pre-movement testing available for animals in movement control areas. The OSPRI contact centre is also operational, with teams working remotely at slightly reduced capacity. For more information, please visit

Meanwhile, the M. bovis eradication programme will also continue its operations. It is imperative that the programme keeps momentum and maintains the gains that have been achieved so far as we seek to eradicate the disease. The programme will operate in a way that keeps both farmers and staff safe, with measures in place such as making contact via phone before arriving on-farm to make plans for physical distancing. Reducing the spread of disease and reducing the number of farms involved in the programme remains a priority.

We appreciate farmers’ co-operation during this time.

If you have questions about Mycoplasma bovis, please email: or phone the liaison team on 0800 00 83 33