Modules support farmers in Integrated Farm Plan Process

// Farm planning

Beef + Lamb New Zealand has launched nine online learning modules to help farmers take ownership of their Farm Plan and create a plan that aligns with their individual farming goals.

Farm Planning

The modules, which were built with support from of the Ministry for Primary Industries Integrated Farm Planning Accelerator Fund, will help farmers and farm managers create, implement, and continually improve on a Farm Plan (also known as Integrated Farm Plan or IFP) that works for them, their farm and their families.

Dan Brier, B+LNZ’s General Manager Farming Excellence, says the purpose of the nine modules is to help farmers understand the “why” behind the IFP process and ensure their IFP becomes a valuable farm and business management tool rather than a regulatory exercise.

“These modules will help farmers, farm managers and farm staff understand how they can apply the information and concepts to their particular farm system which will make the design of their IFP so much easier.”

He says the modules step farmers through creating an IFP and will ensure farmers are well informed as they develop the living documents for their farm business.

The modules are intended to help people familiarise themselves with key concepts and requirements and will complement the different stages of the IFP process. They can be used when preparing for an IFP workshop, as a refresher after a workshop or when reviewing and updating an existing plan.

“Well-designed Integrated Farm Plans can be extremely valuable farm, resource and business management tools. They are intended to be living documents that will continue to evolve over time. They take a holistic view of the whole farm business and while they underpin regulatory and market requirements, it is important that farmers take ownership of their plans and ensure they become part of their management toolbox. They are a living tool, created but never completed.

The nine modules cover waste and chemicals, farm safety, biosecurity, forage cropping and winter grazing, native biodiversity, freshwater ecosystem health, responding to a changing climate, introduction to farm planning and soil health.

The New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme (NZFAP) provided input into the design of the modules to ensure they align with NZFAP Plus activities.

Each of the modules takes between 20 and 60 minutes to complete and can be worked through in sections over multiple visits.


Find out more about the modules on B+LNZ's website: