International GHG communicator coming to NZ

// Climate Change

Internationally renowned greenhouse gas science communicator Dr Frank Mitloehner will be visiting New Zealand next month on a trip funded by Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ).

Dr Frank Mitloehner

Dr Mitloehner is a professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University California, Davis.

He specialises in measurements and mitigation of greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen, particulate matter and the study of their effects on human and animal health and welfare.

His visit is part of B+LNZ’s efforts to build understanding around the warming impact of methane and the GWP* metric ahead of the Government’s review of methane targets in 2024.  

During his time in New Zealand, Dr Mitloehner will give public lectures at Lincoln and Victoria Universities. He will also visit a sheep and beef farm and a dairy farm, meet with policy and thought leaders, MPs and New Zealand scientists involved in technologies to reduce emissions and give media interviews.

Dr Mitloehner’s first lecture, ‘How managing methane from livestock can be a climate solution’, will explain the science behind methane’s impact on climate change, including warming and the role of GWP*.

GWP* scales emissions over time, and better accounts for the different warming behaviours of short-lived gases like methane than the widely used GWP100 metric.

B+LNZ has for more than three years been calling for the Government to review New Zealand’s methane targets using a more appropriate metric like GWP*, and to report on warming as well as emissions.

Dr Mitloehner’s second lecture, ‘Carrot and the Stick: How California is Reducing Emissions on Farms’, will cover his work with Californian farmers to reduce their agricultural emissions and how agriculture can be part of a climate solution, and will have more of a focus on policy.

California has long been the leader on environment and climate change in the US and the agricultural sector has made impressive progress towards meeting its ambitious methane reduction targets.

B+LNZ CEO Sam McIvor encouraged anyone interested to attend the lectures or watch over livestream. 

“Dr Mitloehner is an internationally renowned expert.  It’s a great opportunity to have someone of his calibre explain methane’s impact on climate change and the importance of using the right metric, like GWP*,” he says.

“B+LNZ is collaborating with other industry groups such as Federated Farmers on the visit to ensure that we maximise the value from it while working on other initiatives together to build understanding of this important science. We urge the Government to take notice.” 

Locations and dates 

  • Monday 20 February, 2.15–4pm, Lincoln University Stewart Building – S2, or by virtual livestreaming. ‘How managing methane from livestock can be a climate solution’. Registration required – register here. This lecture will have more of a focus on GWP*.
  • Tuesday 21 February, 12.30–2pm, GBLT1, Government Buildings, Pipitea Campus, Victoria University of Wellington, or by Zoom at this link. ‘Carrot and the Stick: How California is Reducing Emissions on Farms’. (No registration required)