A key theme at the recent B+LNZ Environment Reference Group (ERG) meeting was the importance of farmers getting involved in policy processes on the ground. The ERG provides critical feedback and advice for B+LNZ – find out more about the meeting and their role.

The ERG met in Wellington on 18 and 19 February, where they heard from a range of speakers and took part in wide-ranging policy discussions.
The meeting provided detailed updates so the ERG can be involved in environment policy discussions early on.
Speakers included Associate Minister of Agriculture Andrew Hoggard, B+LNZ Chair Kate Acland, representatives from Waikato Regional Council and B+LNZ’s Environment Policy and Insights teams, and the barrister representing B+LNZ in key Environment Court processes.
Topics covered included:
- RMA reform and B+LNZ’s support for a more practical and streamlined approach, and for a practical approach to farm plans that are based on risk and can be used instead of consents
- the urgent need for reform of the Freshwater NPS, particularly removal of the suspended fine sediment national bottom lines
- climate change, including the need to amend the domestic methane targets based on no additional warming and no pricing on agricultural emissions
- how B+LNZ’s data and insights are used to underpin positions and move conversations forward.
Key themes
The group heard there’s a significant amount of change in environmental policy likely to happen this year and the overarching theme was the importance of farmer involvement to influence those changes.
They were told that farmers are the human face of regional planning and they are listened to, so they need to make their voices heard and provide examples from their farms – and that if we want uncomplicated, outcomes-focused policy we need to demonstrate action now, on-farm and by taking part in policy processes.
B+LNZ Board Chair Kate Acland says: “Farmers are busy but it’s vital they get involved in these discussions and processes and for B+LNZ to involve farmers as early as we can.
“We’re particularly grateful for the time and energy ERG representatives put in to helping shape good outcomes.”
About the B+LNZ Environment Reference Group
The ERG’s role is to provide feedback, advice and input – and to challenge where needed.
B+LNZ GM Policy and Advocacy Dave Harrison says: “The ERG is vital to helping us test our policy positions remain farmer-focused, practical and workable. While decisions ultimately rest with the Board, ERG advice is really important in helping them make those decisions.”
Each B+LNZ Farmer Council region has one ERG representative and nominates another levy-payer representative who may have particular interest or skills in environment policy and practices.
The aim is for the ERG to meet in-person twice a year and the group will now meet virtually each month, to ensure they can feed into the latest environment policy developments.
Upcoming work
B+LNZ’s Environment Policy team is working through the recommendations from the meeting discussions and will adjust its work programme as required.
They’re also on the lookout for additional ERG members – in the Western North Island, Eastern North Island, and Central South Island. If you’re interested in joining the ERG, or finding out more, talk to your local Extension Manager or if you have any general questions about the ERG, you can email ERG@beeflambnz.com
Keep an eye out for more information about existing ERG members on our website and social media channels soon.
We’ll also provide all farmers with further updates about our national and regional policy work in the next few weeks.