Connecting women working in NZ’s red meat industry 

// Industry

The global network for women working in the red meat sector, Meat Business Women (MBW), offers mentorships, masterclasses and networking opportunities through in-personal and online events. Learn about upcoming events and how to get involved in the network.

meat business women banner

The New Zealand Meat Business Women (MBW) network has steadily been growing in members since its launch in 2019. 

Beef + Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) Ltd, Meat Industry Association and B+LNZ Inc are territory partners of the network which aims to give women working in the sector networking and personal development opportunities.  

MBW NZ Chair Abigail Delaney says a growing number of industry organisations are getting involved and sponsoring events across the country.

“We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response to our in-person events across the country, often selling out. There's a real desire to reconnect in-person and have a dedicated space where we can talk about female-specific challenges in the industry.”  

Find out about upcoming events below and learn about becoming a member here.

Christchurch networking and panel event: Young leaders’ aspirations for NZ’s red meat sector

If you’re heading to the E-Tipu Conference or situated in Christchurch, gather with like-minded women on 19 June to hear from our red meat sector’s young leaders about their aspirations for our future and your part to play in helping the next generation succeed. 

More information and register here.

This is in conjunction with the E-Tipu BOMA conference held later the same day. MBW can offer you a 10% discount on your E-Tipu ticket using the codeword ‘MEAT’. Purchase your ticket here.

Thanks to Alliance for sponsoring this event. 

Wellington networking and panel event: What does 2050 look like for women in the meat industry?

In this election year, Meat Business Women NZ invites you to hear from a panel of female politicians about their vision for our sector on the evening of 18 July in Wellingotn.

More information and register here.

The panel will consist of representatives from the National, ACT and Labour parties and will be facilitated by Rowena Hume, Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s GM Communications and Engagement and GM Insights.

You will also have an opportunity to ask questions and meet and mingle with other women working across the sector.

Nibbles and drinks are included in the ticket price.

Thanks to Taylor Preston for sponsoring this event. 

Auckland networking lunch (part of the Red Meat Sector Conference) 

To kick off the Red Meat Sector Conference in Auckland, Meat Business Women will once again be hosting a networking lunch.

Join us on 6 August for glass or bubbles and a two course lunch, and hear from renowned New Zealand businesswomen Theresa Gattung.

Tickets will be on sale soon. Register your interest here.

Thanks to the Ministry for Primary Industries for sponsoring this event.

Connect with like-minded women

Join the NZ LinkedIn Group here to stay up to date with the latest news from MBW NZ including upcoming events and online webinars.

Gender report coming soon

MBW has gathered data for the next iteration of its Gender Report tracking gender representation across the industry globally, this time including ethnic data. The 2023 Gender Report will be released in May 2023 on the MBW website here. 

Get involved in MBW

If you or your organisation would like to learn more about MBW and how you can become involved, please get in touch with MBW NZ Chair Abigail Delaney.