Climate change consultation resources available

// Climate Change

On this page you can find the resources we developed about the Climate Change Commission’s draft advice to Government, including a recording of our webinar and factsheet. You can also read the submission we lodged on behalf of sheep and beef farmers.

B+LNZ's submission to the Climate Change Commission

B+LNZ has lodged a submission on the draft advice. You can either read the full submission or find a summary of it in our media release.

B+LNZ’s webinar

The webinar, which was watched by over 100 people and viewed by many more over the following days, covered:

  • the Climate Commission’s role
  • information on the consultation
  • implications for farmers of the draft advice
  • B+LNZ’s preliminary views on the draft advice
  • information on how you can get involved.

B+LNZ’s factsheet

There’s also a factsheet available that outlined our preliminary views on the key areas the Commission is consulting on. You can access our factsheet here (PDF, 460KB) .