Read up-to-date, comprehensive nutrition data for 23 beef and 25 lamb cuts and offal items in our interactive nutrition guide.

Read the guide
Download the nutrition guide (PDF 5 MB).
About the guide
The guide provides the amount of more than 30 key nutrients for each beef and lamb cut per 100g of the:
- raw edible portion of the whole cut, excluding bone and waste
- raw lean portion only, excluding bone and waste and trimmed of all visible fat
This information is for meat from cattle and sheep raised on pasture in New Zealand.
Using the nutrition guide
Access the data you want by clicking the animal icons on the cover page. You will see a carcass and a list of cuts. Hover your cursor over a cut to see which part of the carcass it comes from. Double click on a cut to open the related nutrient information.
Each individual cut has its own page in the guide detailing its nutrients per 100g. You'll also find a brief description and photo of the cut with suggested cooking methods.
Click on the information icon for research links and a key to abbreviations used in the nutrient tables.
Who is the nutrition guide for?
The guide has been designed to offer the most up-to-date nutrition data in an accessible form that can be used on food labels, point-of-sale information and promotional materials aimed at consumers. This data is useful for nutritionists, meat companies, importers, exporters and marketers, enabling accurate representation of the qualities of New Zealand beef and lamb products.
The guide is an interactive pdf file which you can download to your desktop or use online, but not from a mobile device. The file size is 5MB. If the interactive elements don't work, it may help to open the guide in a different browser or in Adobe Reader. This is free software which is pre-installed on most computers.
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