Early- to late-pregnancy nutritional management of ewes, with Professor Paul Kenyon, Massey University

The second podcast in the Beef + Lamb New Zealand Taranaki Farming for Profit Lifting Sheep Productivity series features Professor Paul Kenyon, Head of the Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences at Massey University.

Paul has led a considerable amount of sheep research focused on improving on-farm productivity and profitability and is a key contributor to many of B+LNZ’s resource booklets and factsheets.
In this podcast, Paul discusses taking care of ewes through pregnancy, making sure their feed needs are met for health, welfare and productivity.

For more information, check out our resource book “A Guide to Feed Planning for Sheep Farmers” 

You can also watch the video of Paul’s presentation with his slides

  • Animal Welfare
  • Feed Planning and Strategies