Sow, Grow, Thrive: Paddock Stories– Bouncing back from tough times

Cashflow, debt, interest, schedule prices and adverse events. In this Beef + Lamb New Zealand webinar we talk to farmers Matt Tayler, Patrick Crawshaw and Justine Kidd about the strategies they have implemented through their own unique and shared challenges to get through and get ahead in tough times.  

Watch this as a Video

Facilitated by Becks Smith (The Whole Story) our farmer panel share openly and honestly about navigating their way through, triggers and planning in their businesses, building a trusted team, looking after their people and looking to the future.

Check out the resources related to this webinar:

We encourage you check out the resources available at Farmstrong around mindset and dealing with stress which was discussed on the evening.  

Remember the Rural Support Trust is always available to support you in many aspects of your business. Call 0800 787 254 or check out their website for more information and resources.  

  • Business management