Heifer mating: Breed ‘em, feed ‘em

Dr Jason Archer of AbacusBio and Max Tweedie, Beef + Lamb New Zealand Genetics’ National Beef Genetics Manager, discuss the keys to successfully calving beef heifers and to getting them back in calf as a 3 year old.

For a summary of the key points, check out our factsheets:

  1. Managing Heifers prior to and during mating: https://beeflambnz.com/knowledge-hub/PDF/managing-heifers-prior-and-during-mating and
  2. Heifer Mating - how to get there: https://www.blnzgenetics.com/files/1539030128_Birth%20to%20first%20pregnancy-%20how%20to%20get%20there.pdf
  • Animal Welfare
  • Rearing and Weaning