B+LNZ Wormwise Workshops: How to avoid worms this Autumn

Event category
drenching ewes

Gain more tools to help combat the effects of worms on your property this Autumn.

At Autumn time is when our properties face their highest worm burdens of the year. With more properties becoming facing triple drench resistance, all of the sudden we can't rely on drenches anymore. With no new families of drenches being developed, we need to gain more tools to help combat the effects of worms this Autumn. 

Livestock typically face their biggest worm challenges in autumn. With increasingly widespread drench resistance, it is important to consider other tools and management strategies to help minimise the impact of worms on your farm business. In this workshop we look at the impact worms have on livestock production and ways to mitigate them.


Registrations are essential and spaces are limited.

Location Venue Date Time Register
Lawrence Lawrence Golf Club 31 March 10:15 - 2:30pm Register Now
Ranfurly Maniototo Rugby Clubrooms 8 April 10:15 - 2:30pm Register Now
Roxburgh Roxburgh Memorial Hall 10 April 10:15 - 2:30pm Register Now
Middlemarch Middlemarch Community Hall 15 April 10:15 - 2:30pm Register Now