B+LNZ Wormwise Workshop: Gisborne and Wairoa

Event category
Cleaning sheep

Are you winning with worms?

In this workshop we will focus on the practical management of worms and describe how drench resistance is threatening hill country sheep systems.

 By understanding the worm lifecycle and how to monitor the worm burden in your sheep, you will be more empowered to devise management strategies on your farm for better worm control and animal performance

 In this workshop you will learn about: 

  • How the worm life cycle is impacted by environmental conditions
  • Management strategies to reduce worm burden and increase animal performance  
  • Steps you can take to better understand what is happening with worm control and drench status on your farm  

 Facilitated by Greg Tattersfield

 Afternoon tea will be provided, so please register for catering purposes.


Registration is essential, register below.

Location Venue Date Time Register
Gisborne Nicks Head Station 6 March 1 - 4:30pm Register Now
Wairoa Wairoa Golf Club 7 March 1 - 4:30pm Register Now