B+LNZ Wormwise Workshop: Cattle – Lake Wairarapa

Event category
Angus cattle in Rangitaiki

This workshop is tailored to help you manage drench resistance in your cattle. It will cover key strategies and the latest research on internal parasite control for cattle farming.

You’ll learn about the integrated parasite management system and how to balance parasite control with drench resistance, empowering you to make informed decisions that suit your farm’s system.


Facilitated by Sara Sutherland (Vet, Vet Clinic Wairarapa), the workshop will cover:

  • The worm life cycle in cattle.
  • Managing worms in cattle
  • The role of refugia in parasite control.
  • Strategies for managing drench resistance in cattle herds.

The workshop is being held at Mike & Liz McCreary's property "Kumenga" which is a large bull and lamb finishing farm in the South Wairarapa, finishing 1,300 bulls and 20,000 lambs annually.  In 2019, following a change in their lamb finishing system, they suddenly found themselves in the midst of triple drench resistance at the height of their trading season. With a massive risk to their business, they embarked on a journey of navigating their way through triple drench resistance.  Now, with plenty of young beef stock on the property, Mike and Liz are keen to avoid the same challenges they had with their lambs. 

Sara and Mike will chat about what happened, the actions Mike took and how they turned the dial on their drench status, all of which is relevant in parasite management in beef.

What to bring?

There will be a farm tour component to the day – 4WD or AWD vehicles required for this. 

Afternoon tea will be provided. 


Registration essential.