B+LNZ Wairarapa Farming for Profit Field Days: Drench resistance – welcome to the club

Event category
drenching ewes

If you have read the Art of War, you’ll know that any decent battle plan first starts with knowing yourself, and a close second is knowing your enemy. If you know neither, the battle is already lost. 

Canvassing farmers, we see that triple drench efficacy (or leakage) is sitting somewhere between 50% and 90%. Science will tell us that as the efficacy drops below 70%, the sheep production falls off a cliff. The combination of both means there no margin for error as we go to war with parasites.

About the day 

  • To help farmers understand their individual situation and to understand parasites (their enemy), at these practical sessions we will dive into the detail and hear first hand from a panel of farmers who are in the thick of drench resistance and from some who have come out the other side.
  • These panels will be supported by Rachel Fouhy from Tararua Vets to give her expert opinion.

Topics covered

  1. State of Play

  • Drench resistance by the numbers.
  • Production losses and costs to the business.
  • Misconceptions and “new thinking”.
  1. Parasites 101s

  • Lifecycle and physiology.
  • Environmental and seasonal factors.
  • Animal (host) factors and immunity.
  1. Battle Plan

  • Stock policy (sheep to cattle ratio, buy sell decisions).
  • Cropping policy and animal nutrition
  • Grazing and block management
  • Animal Health plan and monitoring

Dates and locations. 

Registration is essential. 

Venue Date Time Register
Wainuioru Hall: Masterton Stronvar Road, Wainuioru 5890 23 September 9:30 - 12pm Register Now
Alfredton Hall: 15231 Route 52, Eketahuna 23 September 2 - 4:30pm Register Now