B+LNZ Sheep Breeders Forum

Event category
sheep breeders forum banner with event details

Registrations are open for B+LNZ Genetics' Sheep Breeder Forum, bringing together breeders, scientists and industry professionals from across New Zealand.

The Sheep Breeder Forum will be held on 2–3 July in Christchurch. Attendees can look forward to interactive pick ‘n’ mix sessions, dedicated time for networking, and breeder group meetings. 

View a copy of the forum programme here (PDF, 385 KB)


This year, we will not be livestreaming, however, the sessions will be professionally recorded and made available online after the forum. This decision was made out of courtesy to those who have invested in attending the conference in person.

We appreciate that not everyone can attend due to various commitments and obligations, and we understand the importance of providing access to the conference content for our industry. Every effort will be made to capture the essence of the discussions and presentations held during the conference.

Satellite meetings for breeder groups

Recognising the opportunity the forum provides for discussions amongst breeder groups, we have designed our two-day programme to accommodate some satellite meetings in the afternoon of day one. Already, there has been interest expressed from groups such as SIGC, FE Gold and WormFEC Gold to utilise this time.

If you wish to schedule a meeting (50min time slots) for your breeder group, please email us at info@blnzgenetics.com

How to register

Follow these steps to register:

  • Follow the 'Register Now' button below to the registration form
  • Fill out attendee details 
  • Complete payment  
  • Check your inbox for a follow-up confirmation email 

Tickets to the forum will be $185 +GST per person (total ticket price = $212.75).
The evening dinner on 2 July and breakfast on 3 July are included as part of the ticket price.