B+LNZ North Canterbury Farming for Profit Field Day: Exploring options in a changing environment

Event category
Field day
image of ewes and lambs on plaintain

With plenty of changes to markets and environments, join us at Ben and Jane Ensor’s to find out how they are adapting to these changes. Ben will provide an overview of his current farming system and planned or on-going adjustments.

The day will conclude with a panel of made up of Ben, Munta and Rabobank’s Craig Williamson. The purpose of the panel will be to discuss the principles and process of on-farm decision making.

BBQ sponsored by Rabobank.


  • Ben will be joined by Munta Nelson from the King Country. Ben and Munta have each committed to a sheep breed change in recent years. Ben has gone the fine wool route, while Munta has gone down the path of shedding/no-wool sheep. Ben and Munta will share the rationale for their breed changes, breeding objectives, progress to date, and learnings so far.
  • Fraser Harrison from Agricom will share discuss lamb finishing options and his experience with over-sowing hill country.
  • Cara Brosnahan from B+LNZ alongside Vet and Farmer Mary Bowron from Marlborough Sounds will discuss facial eczema and why it is no longer only a “North Island issue”.


Registration is essential.