SOLD OUT: B+LNZ Ladies' Night out with Nadia Lim

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image of Nadia Lim

Note: this event is now sold out. Please contact Emily Perry to go a waiting list:

Join us for an exciting evening of networking, dinner, and exclusive insights from our guest Nadia Lim at the B+LNZ Ladies' Night Out.

Nadia Lim, celebrated as a celebrity chef, entrepreneur, bestselling author, and media personality, will be our honoured guest. Influenced by her background as a clinical dietitian, Nadia is a strong advocate for creating healthy and nutritious recipes using unprocessed and natural ingredients. As a Co-Founder of My Food Bag, Nadia has helped solve the 'what's for dinner?' dilemma for thousands of kiwi families every night.

In 2022, Nadia was on our screens in the role of head judge on the hit series Masterchef NZ, going full circle to where it all began for Nadia, after winning the MasterChef NZ title in 2011 and leading to the creation of her first of many cookbooks, Nadia's Kitchen.

Today, Nadia and her husband, Carlos, run the historic Royalburn Station in Arrowtown, where they lead the way in regenerative and ethical farming practices. Through their acclaimed TV show, "Nadia's Farm," they showcase their dedication to sustainable agriculture, demonstrating how they're shaping Royalburn into one of the region's leading farms.

Don't miss this chance to be inspired and connect with fellow women in the farming industry.

Registration closed.