B+LNZ Interactive Succession Planning – Little River

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Succession is not the easiest conversation to begin or road to travel but a vital journey for many farming families to take. Regardless of where you are in the process this workshop is for you.

Working through a range of real-life scenarios you will set yourself and your family up for having courageous conversations, gain greater understanding of multiple perspectives, delve into what is fair vs equal and much more.

The workshop is designed to give you a blueprint of a pathway forward with good relationships at the forefront.

About Rural Coach

This workshop is brought to you in partnership with Rural Coach and facilitated by Rural Coach partner Chris Coughlan.

Chris is well recognised for her ability to build trust and participant buy-in through providing safe communication environments. She has a knack for creating strong relationships, supporting robust discussions and enabling better decision making for changing farm businesses. Chris understands the critical elements for success when family is at the core of succession planning and getting decisions right.

Collectively Rural Coach has worked with over 500 families nationwide on their succession planning journey. We look forward to providing insight into a process that can seem daunting, helping you to get the conversations that matter started.


Note: this is a farmer-centric workshop and therefore is not suitable for rural professionals.

If you are a rural professional interested in the succession process, please email Kristin.Kirkpatrick@beeflambnz.com