B+LNZ Growing Great Lambs Workshop: A Follow-On From our Hogget Mating Day - Workshop Full

Event category
Sheep family

A follow-on from our hogget mating field day in February "B+LNZ Hogget 150 Come to Canterbury", this workshop will cover the secrets of growing great lambs, with the lens of optimising lambs off your ewe hoggets. 

Topics covered

  • We will cover from pre-mating through to weaning - giving you the tools to know what to put in place for your lambs to survive and thrive.
  • The average post-weaning daily growth rate of lambs in New Zealand is around 80-100g/day, but the potential growth sits in the 240-260g/day range. There's considerable improvement to be made with benefits in both time to finish and reduction in feed costs. Grow your lambs faster and make more money.
  • We will take the opportunity to brush up on body condition scoring. The workshop will cover why this is an important tool when it comes to successful lamb growth, and it gives us the chance to stretch our legs and get out in the yards.
  • The workshop will also cover our genetics tool nProve, facilitated by Sarah Powdrell, to learn how we can identify rams which will improve your flock’s performance and look at the genetic merit of your current rams. 


  • Ginny Dodunski
  • Sarah Powdrell 


Registrations are essential.

We have reached registration capacity for this event. If you’d like to join the waitlist, please email courtenay.chenery@beeflambnz.com and if a space becomes available we’ll let you know.

Registration closed.