With ram date fast approaching, now’s a great time to make sure that your ewes are in the best possible condition to maximise results.
Attention to detail can be the difference between good and great results. A ewe’s Body Condition Score (BCS) is one of those critical details. BCS is a simple, cost-effective, and powerful tool to enhance your ewe flock's productivity and profitability.
Join us for a practical afternoon of learning with Richmond Beetham. With Richmond’s extensive technical and practical farming experience, this is your chance to sharpen your skills and those of your team.
What we will cover
- What is BCS & how to do it? Learn how to assess Body Condition Score effectively.
- Factors affecting ewe condition: Understand some of the factors that commonly impact on ewe condition & how to overcome them.
- BCS & feed demand: Discover how to calculate kgs of liveweight per hectare and how to use this information to calculate feed demand.
- Timing is key: Learn the critical times in the production cycle to assess BCS.
- Managing underweight ewes: Learn practical strategies to improve the condition of underweight ewes.
- Prioritising winter feed: Use BCS to allocate feed efficiently and effectively.
Right now is one of the single most critical times in the sheep farming calendar. Invest an afternoon in setting yourself up for a productive and profitable year, with the skills to make critical decisions to maximise feed available and prioritise ewe condition.
This workshop is being held at Motumatai, home to Andy and Gemma Phillips, winners of the 2024 Greater Wellington Ballance Farm Environment Awards.
Note that this is a practical workshop and as such you will require suitable footwear to be in the yards with the sheep.
Spaces are limited, so registration is essential.