B+LNZ Making the Most of Your Rams Workshop: Utilising Your Ram Team – Gore

Event category

Join us for an interactive field day learning how to utilise your ram team by ensuring optimal health in the lead up to tupping and the best approach to reach your flocks genetic potential. 

About the day

  • Are you taking the necessary steps to ensure your rams are up to the task in the lead up to mating? Have you considered how feeding, vaccinating, and shearing may affect their performance?
  • Have you considered what rams you will use to mate your hogget’s, two-tooths and ewes? A team of animal health and genetic experts will answer your questions and demonstrate best practice through a variety of interactive activities.
  • Learn how to select your best performance rams using Beef + Lamb New Zealand Genetics selection tool nProve and how to guide your future ram purchase decisions.


  • Lisa Roberts (VetSouth)
  • Jo Scott (Targeted Breeding)
